Macawrong to Macaron

From Macawrong to Macaron
(My Earlier Stage - The French Method)

Dear God, please help me make some decent-looking-macarons and I'll do some Charity work.

♥  ♥  ♥

Ok, where do I begin..
Aahh yes, Cursings! Plenty of those. But don't worry, it'll get lesser once you're done reading my entire blog. I hope.

The images in this post are so far my best (Feet wise). Lord knows how many eggs I've wasted. I'll show you my first try-outs, which btw i failed, in a separate post. So was my 2nd, 3rd and. . . . the list goes on.

For now, the word "Perfect" is a bit far-fetched.

The obsession with wanting the perfect feet, was, and still is, driving me nuts (as if sifting those Almonds wasn't enough).

Just the Macaron Shells.
Was trying to test which Oven setting works best for these temperamental babies.

Ariston Oven

I've tried using all settings, and the two which i found to be the best was "Gratin" & the other, "Pizza"How odd.

This batch, i've used Parchment Paper as base. Seems ok. Though I prefer Silcon Paper (bit more pricy compared to Parchment). Baking Paper from NTUC is also another one of my fav. Easy to tear it off instead of having to cut it to fit your tray (like the Silicon/Parchment Paper from Phoon Huat or Bake King).

I keep a day job, so I'll do with whichever is convenient. That, and because I'm lazy.

I read thru a coupla blogs/youtube videos stating about the need to let them Macarons rest until they formed a so-called shell (Batter rested long enough so that it'll not stick to your fingers when touched).

But it seemed fine when I popped them straight in the oven right after piping. And considering that it makes my life alot easier. Alot. Alot.

Once, I waited close to 2 hours, just to let them rest. And it doesn't make a difference. Still clueless as to why though. The thing with Macaron is, you simply DO NOT have a solid answer to your Lord-knows-how-many-Questions. Basically, we're just guessing. Plus, maybe some luck.

My observation* for this batch.
*May not work for some, but it's worth a shot.

Left: No resting time & appears to have feet
Right: 15 mins resting time & feet appears to be higher

Gratin(left) Vs. Baking(right) setting.
The Baking Setting seems to have more holes/airpockets.


  1. Hi, I am using Ariston Openspace, could you tell me which rack did you place your trays?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Venez,

      I used the lower rack(2nd rack from the bottom) and it seems to be my best option.

      Once i tried using the last rack and my maccies didn't rise properly (lopsided). Also, placing your tray on the center rack will cause the surface to be brown.
